New Features
Qt 4.6.2 is now preinstalled on the OS.
Changes for the video recording in the Camera Application.
Video calling can be accessed through contacts.
Can punch USSD Codes.
No added “More” card in appliance launcher, and is rearrangeable.
Virtual Keyboard has been adapted and now looks different.
File Manager is now able to allotment any book and/or folder.
Typing in Appliance Manager starts a look (like it is in Contacts or Media Player).
Status breadth is now attainable in account mode
1800 borer browser rss figure lists two RSS feeds, one from an iframe
1801 borer browser rss figure should account ATOM feed, not aloof RSS
5485 “restart” button afterwards finishing download not localized (in Finnish)
5526 Type-to-find behaviour is inconsistent and suboptimal in browser
5684 History images do not bout absolute URLs beneath them
5705 Browser cartoon affair in web pages with (multiple?) Beam applets
5783 Smooth scrolling not alive application arrow keys until accepted folio tapped
5829 “Select user name” chat not feel friendly
5945 URL proposals in browser abandon afterwards some hours
6066 Sticky about-face & Fn not alive for Beam argument ascribe fields: Impossible to use appropriate characters palette
6184 Find on folio causes folio to reload
6269 Can’t reclaim the name of a bookmark that has been deleted
6342 Use Aggregate accouterments key for acclimatize the accessory aggregate instead of zooming a website
6396 Zooming is not alive appropriate abroad back articulation clicked from desktop
6598 Browser should affectation passwords one appearance at a time like added applications
6743 Screen sometimes flickers back scrolling through bookmarks triggers elastic banding
6819 High CPU acceptance for 15 abnormal afterwards folio loaded (Deleting History helps)
7174 allegorical “DejaVu Sans Mono”,”Courier New”,monospace,Freemono fonts breach pre
7235 g_mozilla_parse_env_proxy banned proxy server names to about 20 characters [http_proxy]
7335 Browser shows able chantry kerning bugs (esp. back zooming)
7445 Afterwards zooming in, sometimes cannot annoyance to the appropriate side
7566 Browser toolbar steals argument focus in fullscreen approach back “Auto focus abode field” is enabled
7567 Browser toolbar steals argument focus in fullscreen approach with remapped arrow keys
7568 Sites in history overview that were loaded in account approach arise distorted
7620 Browser action opens ports on all interfaces.
7806 Browser crashes while sending a animadversion to
7890 Clicking on webcal:// articulation does annihilation (not alike an absurdity dialog)
8010 browser repaints afterwards switching from contacts
8091 Press and authority in Browser account approach does nothing
8104 Browser account approach makes it stop alive afterwards a while
8117 Browser doesn’t appearance advance indicator back user selects url from urlbar achievement list
8252 Browser addressbar refreshes/blanks anon afterwards new window opens
8276 Imported SSL Certificates not accustomed afterwards PR1.1
8362 Some aggregate of Maemo 5 + Nokia N900 after-effects in abnormal onChange callbacks in the maemo browser
8385 New browser windows’ capacity are not adapted back folio endless in background
8601 Provide UI to enable/disable account mode
8606 Cannot annal web bookmark folders if added than 5 folders
8683 Browser crashes back browsing some websites
8763 Back yields grayed page
8784 Browser crashes while alteration arrangement theme
8920 MicroB loses aboriginal keystroke
9362 Folio appearance “unstable” (due to activated GIFs?)
9365 Maemo Browser does not account CSS serif chantry specifications
9460 Disable appearance images leads to abortion in aperture links in a new window
9555 Only the abode bar is arresting on the basal panel
9566 Browser doesn’t stop beam or addition plugins while accessory is locked